Gourd Art and Semi-Precious Stone Jewelry
Richard Wong and Phil Washburn
Designers of Gourd Art and Semi-precious Stone Jewelry
Richard Wong and Phil Washburn
Designers of Gourd Art and Semi-precious Stone Jewelry
Richard Wong started making Christmas wreaths back around 1995, selling at various Art and Craft shows around the Lincoln, CA area. Wreaths are bulky to store, and after a few years, Richard decided to try his hand at
Semi-Precious Stone Jewelry; at that time there were fewer people doing jewelry. That did very well over the next few years, but as competition grew, he decided he needed a different product. Along came Gourd Art. He has been doing gourd art since 2014, and has shown his work at the Gourd Festival at Davis Ranch in Sloughhouse the summer of 2015 and at various arts and craft fairs. He received may kudos and encouragement for his gourd art. Now that Phil has retired, he has joined Richard in making gourd art, We hope you enjoy looking at both the Gourd Art and Jewelry. Check our Schedule for shows we will be at.